
Selasa, 27 Desember 2011


Figure 1. The view of mangrove forest

Mangrove is a type of  forest  grow in ebb area, especially in beach was kept, lagoon and river estuary was closed by water when the tide is coming and it will be free from puddle of water when the area ebbs in which the community of the plant tolerance to salt (Kusuma et al., 2003). The word mangrove is from the combination of Portugi’s language “Mangue” and English  “grove”.
Beside,  mangrove forest is called bakau” forest by Indonesian and another country in East West Asia. Actually the use of  terminology of bakau forest for mangrove forest is not correct because bakau is only local name from genus Rhizophora. Though mangrove forest consists of many genus and species of another plants. So, mentioning of mangrove forest with bakau forest must be avoided (Kusmana et al., 2003).
Indonesia has about 89 kinds of mangrove trees or according to FAO there are 37 kinds. From all kinds of mangrove in Indonesia, many kinds of mangrove are found such as api-api (Avicennia sp.), bakau (Rhizophora sp.), tancang (Bruguiera sp.) and bogem or pedada (Sonneratia sp.). They are main mangrove trees that found. Kinds of that mangrove are grouped into different functions, catching, bating sedimen and stablilizing its earth habitat.
 Api-api (Avicennia sp.) or in the world is famous as black mangrove is the best kind in stabiling process its earth habitat because the seed spreading is easy, tolerant with high temperature, growing respiration root quickly and the root system under  it can bate sediment well. Big mangrove, red mangrove (Rhizophora sp.) are the second of the best kinds. That kinds can reduce the affect of damaged to current, big wave and wind.

Figure 3. Gate of mangrove forest in Gunung Anyar, Surabaya 

It is the gate of mangrove forest in Gunung Anyar, Surabaya. It is exactly 2 km  from UPN Veteran Surabaya. It was built in 2010 and launched at January 1st 2010 by the former of Surabaya’s mayor. Beside,  the mangrove forest is not only “Wisata Anyar Mangrove” in Gunung  Anyar, but also in Wonorejo and Kenjeran, but only in Gunung Anyar was visited.
Figure 5. Information about function of mangrove forest

            In their ecosystem only consists of api-api and bakau. When observation, the sea wave is tiding so bakau tree that grow over there can not be seen well because the height of  bakau  about       1 meter. Beside, bakau in Gunung Anyar is still in growth so the function of bakau that grow over there isn’t maximal but many instance support the programme of mangrove forest in that area. For example PENS ITS, instance of PLN, Government of Surabaya City and the others.

The function of mangrove forest can be grouped into:
ü  Protection for the shore. It means that mangrove forest can keep the shore line in order to stable.
ü  Restraint from flood. Mangrove forest can protect the coast and rivers from the dangers of erosion and abrasion.
ü  Adsorbent of material of pollution. Toxic waste are thrown away to the water and finally accumulated in the coast can be processed by mangrove forest.
ü  Source of energy of water environment. Mangrove forest can produce weathering materials which become a source of important food for plankton, so it is also important for the sustainability of the food chain.
ü  Supporting environment condition. Mangrove forest is a natural habitat for various types of biota. It can also filter sea water to be the fresh water. So it can be a balance for nature.
ü  Source of wood production. Wood of mangrove can be used for firewood, charcoal and building materials.
ü  Source of aquatic production. One of place for fish, shellfish, crabs and shrimp to breed is mangrove forest.
ü  Source of recreation. If mangrove forest can be managed and controlled well, it will be able to be one of beautiful tourism object.
ü Source of protection. Many animals that take shelter, nest and breed there. For example bird and monkey with long tail. 
Some parts of mangrove forest in Gunung Anyar get damaged likes the figure 6. Damage of mangroves can occur naturally or consequence of community pressure. Naturally, the damage level is generally smaller than the damage caused by human activities. Natural damage is caused by natural events such as hurricanes or long dry climate that cause  the accumulation of salt in the plant. Many human activities around the area of ​​mangrove forest which cause the changes in physical and chemical characteristics around the mangrove habitat. Beside, awareness of people to mangrove forest is still low so they don’t give attention for it. It is proved that there are rubbish found in Gunung Anyar. It can cause pollution and death of tree. The effect of the damaged mangrove forests such as coastal abrasion, resulting sea water intrusion further into the mainland, the potential decline of fisheries, disrupted wild life and reducing the source of livelihood of local residents.
There are three ways for saving our mangrove forest. First, give support (moral and material) to efforts that have purpose to conserve mangrove forest. Secondly, support to wisdom of conservation of mangrove forest from exploitation for economy side. And the last, give education of conservation of mangrove forest early and teach them that conservation of mangrove forest is one of the way to make our earth be better.

REFFERENCES was accessed on March 11st 2011 was accessed on April 13rd 2011

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